Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009

Okay. So we had an arrangement there. Or so I hoped. We weren't 'dating' dating but somehow I'd call no one else if I wanted to go out. Neither would he. The outings would more often than not be together.
And well also, we just couldn't keep our hands off each other either. But we preferred not to call it 'dating'. Which was funny. Cuz we WERE(and still are) exclusive. lol!
Though maybe I am still not old enough for a no-strings attached something. It just takes such severe toll on us after whenever we meet up. Which is actually not good. for neither of us..

All I hope for now, is the ability to grow up. and to savour what I have.
Because life is beautiful.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I am light

I feel light. Almost as if i am floating. :)

Now, I hope, I am over him. I hope. :)

Life's beautiful once again. Well. Almost.
